My first birthday without my dad

My first birthday without my dad

Today is my birthday. Normally, I’m bursting with excitement for a new year filled with challenge and adventure. This year is different. As always, I let everyone know what I expect: love notes from all the boys, a poster framed, the broken zippers replaced on my...
Happy Father’s Day – wherever you are…

Happy Father’s Day – wherever you are…

Dear Dad, It’s coming up on your birthday. And you’re not here to celebrate. First time in my life. Even in the years (most of them) when we were apart, I knew you were out there – somewhere on the globe, feet firmly planted on the ground. I had a dad.I know...
My first birthday without my dad

A eulogy for my dad

  Dear Dad, I’m looking back at the letter you wrote me on my birthday, just two weeks before you left so suddenly. It feels like something in the universe knew our time together was running out. You left nothing unsaid. You spoke of the magic of my birth, “that...

Desert Inspiration

Happy New Year! I’m fresh back from a retreat in the desert with three colleagues (and dear girlfriends), and re-energized for 2016! There’s something magical about the desert that revives an energy inside me. I’ve only now discovered this magic in mid life, as I was...
A shout out to immigrant parents

A shout out to immigrant parents

When my husband first came to the United States 21 years ago, he did not speak English and he was not an American. I would go to work in the morning, and he would stay in our rented room in a shared house and…well, I don’t really know what he did. But I do...