Jan 9, 2019 |
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to maintain structure while the kids are off school. I get it. If you were tight for breathing room before break, you’re now feeling like you’re holding your breath. Not fun. Many of us, including myself, are incredibly...
Apr 17, 2017 |
Today is my birthday. Normally, I’m bursting with excitement for a new year filled with challenge and adventure. This year is different. As always, I let everyone know what I expect: love notes from all the boys, a poster framed, the broken zippers replaced on my...Jan 15, 2017 |
I’ve known for an embarrassingly long period of time that our days would be sooo much better if I could find a way to have special time with my oldest son first thing in the morning. It’s been a challenge because my husband leaves early and I’m on my own with three...Nov 19, 2016 |
Relationships suffer when one or both people are holding in negative feelings about the other. Here, something has obviously shifted for your child. And you’re not feeling good either. Both of you will think better if you get your feelings out. Usually, when we feel...Oct 26, 2016 |
I’m finally reading The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. (I know. It’s old. But I had little kids for a lot of years, and didn’t get to read much.) It’s riveting. I can’t put it down. It has everything that makes a good read: a glimpse into another’s world, suspense,...
Jul 16, 2016 |
We moved recently, relocating from one of the most forward thinking places on the planet to a small town. No more highways. Very little crime. Good people. But this is no city! Not long after we arrived, one of my boys called another “Homo!” And no, it wasn’t a “Dude,...
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