Happy New Year!
I’m fresh back from a retreat in the desert with three colleagues (and dear girlfriends), and re-energized for 2016!
There’s something magical about the desert that revives an energy inside me. I’ve only now discovered this magic in mid life, as I was raised along the Pacific Ocean in the cool mist and the shade of the redwoods.
I don’t know if it’s the seemingly miraculous ability of the plants here to survive the disparate temperatures and the shortage of water. On paper, they should be angry and desperate. But in fact, they are still, accepting, welcoming, beautiful and peaceful. Or the simplicity of the people here who have chosen to make their life here rather than move to the bustling city, filled with action and opportunity. When I arrived, I looked at them in wonder, thinking, “Don’t you want more? Don’t you need more?” But, they too, seem content – certainly more content than I feel when I’m juggling many hats and moving at a speed even faster than I like.
In the desert, away from all the hustle and bustle of my daily life with family and work, my imagination goes wild. I feel free to fantasize about my personal aspirations and my wishes for the world. And they all seem doable. That magical feeling I had when I was a little girl that I could be whatever I wanted to be comes out of hiding, and I love life and am grateful for all I have, for all I’ve been able to give to others. Not focused on my missteps and falls and disappointments in myself.
As I move back into my daily life, and settle into 2016, I’m going to try to hold on to this feeling.
And then I’ll move on to chasing my dreams…
- Raise awareness of my mission to create a more peaceful world, one sweet boy at a time.
- Finishing writing the Parenting by Connection book with Hand in Hand Parenting founder, Patty Wipfler.
- Continuing to teach and evolve my virtual course, Raising Boys!
- Supporting my individual clients with love and amazing parenting tools.
- And if I can make it happen, my dream is to organize a posh parenting retreat, where you can come to relax, refuel & connected with other like-minded parents. No work. No food prep. No dishes. No laundry. No drop offs or pick up. No one needing you for anything…
With admiration for your deep commitment to your boys (and girls)!
What are your hopes and dreams for this new year?
P.S. If you would like to join my community of parents committed to building and maintaining strong connections with their boys NO MATTER WHAT, drop me your email here: www.toshaschore.com/free-updates. You’ll also get my free ebook and audio book, “Get your boy to listen: 5 simple steps!”
Tosha, Your Partner In Parenting