Jun 19, 2016 |
Dear Dad, It’s coming up on your birthday. And you’re not here to celebrate. First time in my life. Even in the years (most of them) when we were apart, I knew you were out there – somewhere on the globe, feet firmly planted on the ground. I had a dad.I know...Feb 15, 2016 |
Sometimes this parenting thing gets tiresome. It feels like I’m giving giving giving, but not gettin’ any – if you know what I mean. With the help of my husband, I keep the boys housed and fed. I read to them. Tuck them into bed and fill their hot water bottles...Sep 1, 2015 |
It’s been a long, hot summer here in our new home. We have gone from North America to Middle East, freezing ocean to warm sea, English to Hebrew (but I’ll keep my posts in the former), urban to rural, family dog to no dog, burritos to falafel, no cousins to tons of...Jul 20, 2015 |
Z- It really does feel like yesterday when you were still Choco, tucked away all cozy and warm in my belly. I remember sitting in Savta’s apartment just down the street from where we are now and having our first heart to heart. It was June 18, 2002 somewhere around...May 22, 2015 |
Just tell the truth. As my oldest enters his teen years, and waves of young people flow in and out of our home, I am hyper-aware of the need to keep communication open on the topics of sex and relationships, and grateful that I laid the groundwork early. The questions...