Jan 15, 2017 |
I’ve known for an embarrassingly long period of time that our days would be sooo much better if I could find a way to have special time with my oldest son first thing in the morning. It’s been a challenge because my husband leaves early and I’m on my own with three...
Jun 19, 2016 |
Dear Dad, It’s coming up on your birthday. And you’re not here to celebrate. First time in my life. Even in the years (most of them) when we were apart, I knew you were out there – somewhere on the globe, feet firmly planted on the ground. I had a dad.I know...May 30, 2016 |
40+ Ways to Connect with Your Child Today Guest Post By Rebecca Eanes Building and maintaining a strong connection with our children takes focus and work, but the benefits are worth the effort. When children are securely connected with us, they have higher...Feb 15, 2016 |
Sometimes this parenting thing gets tiresome. It feels like I’m giving giving giving, but not gettin’ any – if you know what I mean. With the help of my husband, I keep the boys housed and fed. I read to them. Tuck them into bed and fill their hot water bottles...
Oct 14, 2015 |
I felt like a little kid today in the library when I took a break from (home)work to have a snack, only to be scolded by the librarian. “I’m sorry, but there’s no eating in the library.”At first I was annoyed. I’ve never liked people telling me what to do. And then I...