Aug 5, 2015 |
When my husband first came to the United States 21 years ago, he did not speak English and he was not an American. I would go to work in the morning, and he would stay in our rented room in a shared house and…well, I don’t really know what he did. But I do...
May 20, 2015 |
How not to confuse your own unfulfilled desires with theirs. A few years ago, I was feeling desperate to get my kids started with music lessons. It suddenly seemed that I had missed the memo. Everywhere I looked, someone’s child was in the school band or...
Mar 4, 2015 |
Why do our kids think we know everything about everything? Can I just tell you right now that I know next to nothing about space, including which suns or moons rotate around which planets (or is it the planets that do the rotating)! This means that I don’t remember...
Jan 20, 2015 |
Yep. You read it right. My super cute 7 year old is not, currently, very cute at all. My husband and I can’t decide if he looks more like a hockey player or a thug after a fist fight. I know. Beauty is on the inside. But let’s just say it like it is. His mouth is...
Jan 13, 2015 |
In many ways, the last few weeks on planet earth have been bleak. There have been terrifying plane crashes, heart-wrenching massacres and shocking hostage takings and terrorist attacks. For the first time since WWII, the largest synagogue in Paris did not hold shabbat...