Do you worry you’re not a good enough parent?

Sometimes this parenting thing gets tiresome. It feels like I’m giving giving giving, but not gettin’ any – if you know what I mean. With the help of my husband, I keep the boys housed and fed. I read to them. Tuck them into bed and fill their hot water bottles...

The Car Ride From Hell That Didn’t Really Bother Me

It’s been a long, hot summer here in our new home. We have gone from North America to Middle East, freezing ocean to warm sea, English to Hebrew (but I’ll keep my posts in the former), urban to rural, family dog to no dog, burritos to falafel, no cousins to tons of...

Mother’s Day IRL

I logged into FB midday on Mother’s Day because I was feeling like crap. I know. A bad idea. My unconscious hope was to escape my disappointing reality of a day that was NOT going my way. Instead, I immediately headed down the FB rabbit hole, where all sense of time...
Us, Our Kids, And Mountain Lions

Us, Our Kids, And Mountain Lions

I had a great morning on Saturday, geogaching with two of my boys in the Open Space near where we live. It’s beautiful out there – like our own private national park. It’s right in the city, but feels like a million miles away. As we hiked through the rolling...