What We Want For Our Children

How not to confuse your own unfulfilled desires with theirs. A few years ago, I was feeling desperate to get my kids started with music lessons. It suddenly seemed that I had missed the memo. Everywhere I looked, someone’s child was in the school band or...

5 Tips For A Sweeter Holiday Season

There is something about this time of year – at least in the northern hemisphere – that feels heavy to many of us. The days are shorter. The lively colors of spring, summer and fall have turned to shades of gray. It’s hard to keep ourselves upbeat and on...

My Secret To Surviving Setbacks

Well, this week’s “HOW of Parenting” topic comes at the perfect time! I’m on day five of having a sick kid with a fever and itchy, ugly hives coming and going every few hours. I know you can relate. Maybe not to my son’s symptoms, but to mine: worry that he has some...

Nourish Yourself With Things That Make You Feel Fabulous!

I’m guessing I’m not the only parent who, from time to time, finds him or herself in a certain situation and thinks, “Wow! This is not what I imagined my life would look like!” The other day my oldest had a couple of friends over, and the five boys were out front...