How tears can bring you and your boy closer.

How tears can bring you and your boy closer.

I got an email the other day from an editor at the Huffington Post, asking if I would be willing to write up a short thank you note to my dad to contribute to a Father’s Day piece she was putting together. 150 words max. Seemed easy enough to write a thank you, but I...
A eulogy for my dad

A eulogy for my dad

  Dear Dad, I’m looking back at the letter you wrote me on my birthday, just two weeks before you left so suddenly. It feels like something in the universe knew our time together was running out. You left nothing unsaid. You spoke of the magic of my birth, “that...
Reasoning with the Unreasonable

Reasoning with the Unreasonable

I felt like a little kid today in the library when I took a break from (home)work to have a snack, only to be scolded by the librarian. “I’m sorry, but there’s no eating in the library.”At first I was annoyed. I’ve never liked people telling me what to do. And then I...

The Car Ride From Hell That Didn’t Really Bother Me

It’s been a long, hot summer here in our new home. We have gone from North America to Middle East, freezing ocean to warm sea, English to Hebrew (but I’ll keep my posts in the former), urban to rural, family dog to no dog, burritos to falafel, no cousins to tons of...
A shout out to immigrant parents

A shout out to immigrant parents

When my husband first came to the United States 21 years ago, he did not speak English and he was not an American. I would go to work in the morning, and he would stay in our rented room in a shared house and…well, I don’t really know what he did. But I do...

Talking to Young Ones About Sex

Just tell the truth. As my oldest enters his teen years, and waves of young people flow in and out of our home, I am hyper-aware of the need to keep communication open on the topics of sex and relationships, and grateful that I laid the groundwork early. The questions...